
Best mac for audio recording
Best mac for audio recording

Bouncing audio between a Bush Radio Cassette Recorder and an ancient Marconiphone reel-to-reel tape machine sparked this long-term obsession with making music. I’ve had a recording setup since my early teens. My music is currently being used by the BBC, Channel 4, MTV and quite a few others.

best mac for audio recording

Who knew? However, it has performed admirably for the past eight or nine years and it has enabled me to make a modest living from remotely producing people’s music from many parts of the world, which I absolutely love doing. I was recently advised by someone whom I respect that my current machine is slightly underpowered for its task.

best mac for audio recording

I vaguely know what those numbers mean but I’m far from expert. It is a mid-2012 model 2.4GHz 12‑core with 20Gb memory. As long as it does what it’s meant to do without making itself visible, I’m happy. I regard my studio Mac Pro as primarily a tool for producing music.

best mac for audio recording

My relationship with computers is very much like my relationship with cars: I don’t need to know how they work I don’t need to know how to fix them - I just need to drive them. In our 'web-only' feature, we thought you'd enjoy reading the trials-and-tribulations tale of Paul's journey and his real-world experiences as this producer bites the bullet and buys a new 2019 Mac Pro. Like many SOS readers, Paul Baggott's studio centred around the original 'cheesegrater' Mac Pro tower but in 2020 he could hold off no longer and needed to upgrade. The article author Paul Baggott, proud owner of a new Mac Pro, at the end of his journey.

Best mac for audio recording